Monday, 21 January 2013

Monday Morning 21st January 2013

Good Morning


I have been out and about on the school site and the stretch of Ambrose Lane outside the school, and conditions are similar to last night, with a bit more snow that has accumulated.  It is likely that, once the gritters get to work  main roads and bus routes will be in fair condition, but side roads and lanes will be poor, and I have heard from a number of people who are concerned about driving out of their estates and villages. Snow is expected again at 3 pm , continuing into the evening. Taking this into account, I have made the decision to stay CLOSED today. As I have mentioned in previous posts, most of our pupils and staff come from outside Harpenden, and from a widespread catchment area, and I need to take this into account. I am not happy about closing, and as the day progresses conditions may change and leave me looking silly, but I have to decide using the information available to me at this time. I apologies for any inconvenience.

The Highfield Preschool will also be CLOSED.


Mr Cornell has asked me to let those who were due to meet  tonight about the ski trip know that the meeting has been postponed.