Good Morning. The weather forecasts for today present us with a problem. At present only a dusting of snow has fallen, although light falls continue. The forecast for this area, however, has heavy falls due to start at 2pm and continue until about 4pm -thus right in our home-time rush. We, therefore, have concerns about getting pupils and staff home safely!
The decision is to be OPEN as usual this morning, but with the possibility of closing early (12.30 for Primary and 12.45 for secondary), if the outlook does not improve.
Parents are asked to monitor this snow report or to stay in contact with the school to hear what will be decided by mid morning. If you are concerned about being able to collect your children earlier, please use your discretion as to whether to travel to school today.
Pupils will still need their lunch as it is not certain that we will close early.
We will make a decision about Y7 parent consultation evening later this afternoon, so parents of year 7 pupils are asked to watch this space.