Friday, 18 January 2013

Friday Morning 18th Jan 2013

Good Morning

We will close early today.

I am struggling with the decision this morning! There is no doubt that snow is coming and will fall in our area during school time (it seems due to arrive at about 11am) , but the TV reports and the BBC website seem to differ with regard to the intensity, and there is no guidance as to how long, after the snow begins to fall, it will take before it disrupts traffic. Once it starts it seems set to continue through tomorrow. I do not wish to make a decision in the course of the morning as this makes things difficult for parent who need to interrupt their planned activities at short notice. I also need to take into account the distances and routes that our families and staff travel compared to most local schools.
With the information available at this time, I believe the following to be the most sensible.
We will be open this morning, but will close at 12.30 lunchtime.
If you are concerned about travelling to and from school because of the distance or route which you take please use your discretion.
If you are unable to fetch your child early, it would be better not to bring them this mornng,
If conditions in your area become difficult before 12.30, you will be welcome to collect your child before the agreed time.
The same arrangement apply to the Highfield Preschool.
I realize these arrangements may be inconvenient and apologies for this. I hope that this turns out to be the correct decision,